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Contractor List

SIREN does not endorse or represent specific products or companies but we do make it easy for you to find solar contractors and related businesses. Get a contractor list here.

Upcoming Events

Have you been thinking about “Going Solar” but don’t know where to start? SIREN volunteers will explain the performance, cost, and financial incentives. RSVP to an upcoming event today.

Solar Q&A

Get up to speed quickly on the basic concepts and the value proposition of solar and renewable energy, plus what you need to know about contracts with the utility company.



Protect your solar rights and the future of solar in Indiana.


SIREN and the City of Bloomington partnered on Solarize campaigns for six years, from 2017 until the end of net metering in 2022. Solarize was a group-buy arrangement that reduced costs for all participants through negotiated volume purchases. As of 2023, we judge that the market is sufficiently mature and the solar companies sufficiently responsive that our organizing services are no longer required and we are returning to our roots as educators. We continue to advise on how to go solar, including some groups of homeowners who have negotiated volume discounts for themselves. The City continues to support our efforts.

Residents of south central Indiana are already in a leadership role in the state with nearly 1,000 local solar owners, many of whom are on our online discussion forum. To join the discussion group, please email  You can learn more about solar energy for your home, school or business by attending a one hour Information Session (click here to register) or by contacting SIREN with your questions. Our email address is



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